Friday 28 March 2014

Changing My Ideas...

After completing my walk cycle, I realised all of the actions would take longer then I had planned. This means that I won't be able to use every scene in my current storyboard, since I have a 40 second time limit.

So I reviewed my storyboard and decided which scenes to cut out, leaving this as my new final storyboard:

I think this will play out better overall, and should still get across the message that he is depressed and eventually suicidal.
My tutor said - during feedback for my interim crit - that I should consider including other characters (even in the background) who also have a black cloud over them, so signify their depression and show that others feel the same as you. However due to this cut I've had to make, I cannot fit in the time to show another character's cloud. Despite this I think the text at the end should represent this clearly enough, and now my animation focuses on one, clear problem.

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