Friday 16 January 2015

Feedback from my Final Crit

This is the film I presented in my final crit earlier today:

The feedback I got was mostly very good;

The grey objects on white background give my piece a tone that's quite bland and simple, which describes my character very well.
They also said the lip syncing was done quite well, and my voice acting for it also adds to the tone of the piece and compliments the characteristics of Moom.

Overall the class agreed it is a simple yet effective piece that was a great first attempt at using Maya!

A few points that I could improve are adding in overlapping and follow through actions - particularly in the arms - to loosen the character up a bit and give him more life.
I could also add in a sound effect as the cloth in the third scene is moving across the window, and turn up the volume slightly on my brush sound effects.

I can set aside some time within the next week to alter these points and make my animation even better!

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